DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

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Beiträge: 2201
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 15:15

DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von MikeF »

Mode Date UTC Frequency ITU Service Location Region Distance (km) Details RDS PI/PS

MS 27.01.19 0005 93.30 POL RMF FM Bydgoszcz/Trzeciewiec KP 1271 OM talks PI logged: 3F44 PS logged: _RMF_FM_
MS 27.01.19 0005 95.60 POL Radio ZET Bydgoszcz/Trzeciewiec KP 1271 OM talks PI logged: 3205 PS logged: RadioZET
**MS 27.01.19 0005 96.60 POL RMF FM Pila/Rusinowo ZP 1144 OM talks PI logged: 3F44 PS logged: _RMF_FM_
MS 27.01.19 0005 97.90 POL Radio ZET Pila/Rusinowo ZP 1144 OM talks PI logged: 3205 PS logged: RadioZET
**MS 27.01.19 0125 94.60 POL RMF FM Poznan/Srem WP 1185 YL talks PI logged: 3F44 PS logged: _RMF_FM_
**MS 27.01.19 0125 96.40 POL PR 3 Poznan/Srem WP 1185 Music PI logged: 3233 PS logged: _TROJKA_

MS 27.01.19 0208 95.70 POL PR 1 Gdansk/Chwaszczyno PM 1306 Music PI logged: 3211 PS logged: JEDYNKA_
MS 27.01.19 0208 98.40 POL RMF FM Gdansk/Chwaszczyno PM 1306 OM talks PI logged: 3F44 PS logged: _RMF_FM_
MS 27.01.19 0211 94.60 POL RMF FM Poznan/Srem WP 1185 Music PI logged: 3F44 PS logged: _RMF_FM_
**MS 27.01.19 0211 95.80 POL RMF Maxxx Warszawa/PKiN MW 1459 Music PI logged: 3399
**MS 27.01.19 0252 93.10 D RBB infoRADIO Berlin/Scholzplatz brb 932 OM talks PI logged: D335

MS 27.01.19 0252 95.80 D RBB Radio Eins Berlin/Alexanderplatz brb 945 Music PI logged: D332 PS logged: _radio1_
MS 27.01.19 0306 93.30 HRV HRT-HR 1 Beli Manastir/Belje os 1487 Music PI logged: C201 PS logged: HRT-HR_1
**MS 27.01.19 0306 93.90 HNG MR 2 Petöfi Rádió Kab-hegy Ves 1354 Music PI logged: B201 PS logged: _PETOFI_
**MS 27.01.19 0319 93.70 CZE Radio Helax Ostrava/Hoštálkovice MO 1296 Music PI logged: 2091
**MS 27.01.19 0329 96.40 POL PR 3 Poznan/Srem WP 1185 Music PI logged: 3233 PS logged: _TROJKA_

MS 27.01.19 0353 97.40 POL PR 3 Koszalin/Gologóra ZP 1189 Music PI logged: 3233 PS logged: _TROJKA_

** denotes new logging (via this propagation mode)
!! denotes YouTube video available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCclhK0 ... TuogKGBIgg

Mike Fallon
East Sussex
N50°48' W0°1'
Receivers: Kenwood KT-6050 (80/110 kHz Murata filters) * Sony XDR-F1HD (PC controlled via Seeeduino board & XDR-GTK software v.1.0) * Elad FDM-S2 SDR * Airspy R2 SDR
* Icom R7000 * HS D100 *

Antenna: P.Körner designed 19.4 Yagi (with improved gain & F/B ratio) horizontal at 11m agl / 92m asl (http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/Korner%2019.4 ... 4_yagi.htm ) on a Tennamast 7.6m telescopic / tiltover mast
( http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/Tennamast.htm ) * GP cut for ~30MHz * OIRT/STL's 5 ele Yagi * TGN ULNA 3018 Mk.IV Band 2 masthead preamp * CCW Multicoupler feeding all tuners/SDRs

Software: SDR# v1700 * SDR Console v3 * Elad FDM-SW2 v3.019 * RDS Spy v1.03 * RDSS v0400 software

Propagation maps produced by FMLIST http://www.fmlist.org/ul_login.php?sprache=en
Propagation Maps and TX sites logged for the Month maps at
http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/FMLogs/Prop%2 ... 20Maps.htm

All-time FM log (from 2003) and current month's log at http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/FMLogs/FMLogs_index.htm
All-time Meteor Scatter Log map at http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/MSMap.htm

North Africa FM Database: http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/fm_index.htm

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCclhK0 ... TuogKGBIgg
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: So 6. Jan 2019, 17:23
Wohnort: Judendorf-Straßengel bei Graz

Re: DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von JudendorfFMDX »

Can I ask you something?
Do you predict Meteor scatters? Because I often see you are able to follow certain Meteor falls going in the same direction but on little different frequencies. I also want to try MS once, do you think it will be possible to catch them with Peter Körner 9.2 and Sony XDR-S10HDiP?

This are my questions.
Great job btw! 73! :dx:
Beiträge: 2201
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 15:15

Re: DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von MikeF »

JudendorfFMDX hat geschrieben: Di 29. Jan 2019, 22:31 Can I ask you something?
Do you predict Meteor scatters? Because I often see you are able to follow certain Meteor falls going in the same direction but on little different frequencies. I also want to try MS once, do you think it will be possible to catch them with Peter Körner 9.2 and Sony XDR-S10HDiP?

This are my questions.
Great job btw! 73! :dx:
No I don't predict meteors as such, although there are many meteor showers throughout the year which can sometimes produce very good results. The Virgo prediction software, http://www.dl1dbc.net/Meteorscatter/ is very useful to see when meteor showers are expected. The bulk of my loggings are just random meteor trails which are present every night/day. What I receive depends where I am beaming at any given time.
Your 9.2/XDR should be excellent for live meteor pings, just park on a clear frequency and listen. If you have access to an SDR, even a cheap dongle, you will be able to log RDS from unattended monitoring which would really increase your MS 'hits'.
Hope that helps a bit. If you need any more assistance I'll be more than happy to help if I can.
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: So 6. Jan 2019, 17:23
Wohnort: Judendorf-Straßengel bei Graz

Re: DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von JudendorfFMDX »

Interesting. I tried the program you recommended me. :)
So what do I have to do now? Orientate my antenna in the direction recommended by the program? And which scatters do I expect now?
https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN ... Vz5e_f397l
Greetings and 73! :dx:
Beiträge: 2201
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 15:15

Re: DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von MikeF »

JudendorfFMDX hat geschrieben: Mi 30. Jan 2019, 17:59 Interesting. I tried the program you recommended me. :)
So what do I have to do now? Orientate my antenna in the direction recommended by the program? And which scatters do I expect now?
https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN ... Vz5e_f397l
Greetings and 73! :dx:
At the moment there are no useful meteor showers but there are still plenty of random meteors (as you can see from my logs). Just sit on a clear frequency and wait or record. Generally the hours around dawn can be the best times but MS can occur at any time of the day or night. The Virgo software will show you where to beam when we have a major shower.
Hope that helps
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: So 6. Jan 2019, 17:23
Wohnort: Judendorf-Straßengel bei Graz

Re: DX: 27.01.2019 - Meteor Scatter (UKW)

Beitrag von JudendorfFMDX »

I bought now an RTL-SDR dongle and will test it with SDR# and the Peter Körner 9.2 when it will be arrived. I also tried to connect RDS Spy with SDR #, but for now, also with MPX Output and Virtual Cable my RDS Spy does not work. Maybe because I have to install the drives once I have the RTL-SDR dongle here. I'm very curious, if RTL-SDR will arrive at similar Levels like I reach for now with the Sony XDR-S10HDiP. We have to wait.
Best regards and 73!
Sascha :dx: