Abkürzungen im Forum

Das Radioforum. Hier dreht sich alles um die technischen Seiten des Radio- und TV-Empfangs.
Harald P.

Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von Harald P. »

Hallo an alle,

dieses Mal habe ich eine Frage das Forum betreffend. Ich stoße immer wieder in Beiträgen auf Abkürzungen, die ich nicht "identifizieren" kann. "AFAIK" heißt wohl "as far as I know", also "soweit ich weiß", aber was bedeutet "IMHO"? Welche Abkürzungen werden noch verwendet?
Vielen Dank im voraus (oder Voraus ???)

Re: Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von MatthiasW. »


"What do BTW, FAQ, FYI, IMHO, RTFM, and other acronyms mean?
These are all abbreviations for specific phrases commonly used in informal written computer correspondence.

AFAIC As far as I'm concerned

AFAIK As far as I know

BRB Be right back

BTDT Been there, done that

BTW By the way

BUAG Butt-ugly ASCII graphic

C/C Comments and criticism

FAQ Frequently Asked Question. When people say "the FAQ", they are generally referring to a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions. These are posted monthly on many newsgroups or mailing lists to reduce discussion of topics that have already been thoroughly covered. It's a good idea to look at a FAQ file for a newsgroup or mailing list before participating in it. See the Knowledge Base document Where can I find a repository of Usenet FAQ files? for help in finding FAQ files. A large list of all known FAQ postings in newsgroups is also posted periodically in the Usenet newsgroup news.admin .

FWIW For what it's worth

FYI For your information

HTH Hope this helps

IANAL I am not a lawyer

IMHO In my humble opinion

IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion

IMO In my opinion

IOW In other words

LOL Laughing out loud

MOTAS Member of the appropriate sex

MOTOS Member of the opposite sex

MOTSS Member of the same sex

NG Newsgroup

OTOH On the other hand

RL Real Life, as opposed to the Internet

ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing

RTFM Read The Fine Manual. This may be interpreted as: "You have asked a question which would best be answered by consulting the manual (or FAQ, or other help files), a copy of which should be in your possession. The question you have asked is clearly answered in the manual and you are wasting time asking people to read it to you." It's good netiquette to mail this type of answer to another user rather than post it in public messages.
SO Significant other, used to refer to someone's romantic partner without making any assumptions about gender or preference.

TLA Three letter acronym

WTF What the heck

YMMH You might mean here

YMMV Your mileage may vary

{g} Grin

{BG} Big grin"

URL: http://kb.indiana.edu/index.cgi

Harald P.

Re: Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von Harald P. »

Hallo Matthias,

vielen Dank für die schnelle und ausführliche Antwort. :-) Ich werde mir den Beitrag ausdrucken und neben den Computer legen.
Ehemaliger User


Beitrag von Ehemaliger User »

[Beitrag auf Wunsch des Users entfernt.]

Re: Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von MatthiasW. »

Also, SVW steht für DEN SVW.

SV Werder Bremen.


Re: Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von Brubacker »

Ich kenn SVW nur für den SV Waldhof (Mannheim).
Harald P.

Re: Abkürzungen im Forum

Beitrag von Harald P. »

Hier in Wiesbaden steht SVW für Sportverein Wiesbaden, aber der spielt irgendwo in der Bezirksoberliga :D muß man daher nicht unbedingt kennen. ;)