AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Alles zum Thema DAB(+) Digitalradio.
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Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 16:40
Wohnort: südliches Sachsen-Anhalt

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von pomnitz26 »

Hier nun das versprochene Video aus 06648 Eckartsberga in Sachsen-Anhalt. die Bedingungen waren leicht angehoben, leider gelang der SWR BW Nord erst zum Ende. Das ganze mit TII Standortangabe und Entfernungen zu den Sendern in allen empfangbaren Multiplexen.

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Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

Thnaks for sharing!
Meanwhile I have identified the problem with no TII case.
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 7644
Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 16:40
Wohnort: südliches Sachsen-Anhalt

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von pomnitz26 »

Ich habe ein wenig mit den Dateien im Programm gespielt. Leider hat Windows das ausgenutzt. Es betrifft Sticks mit Treiber 2 wenn Windows sein optionales Update Realtek - Streaming Media and Broadcast Devices - REALTEK 2832U Device einfügt. Dann spinnt sowohl Zadig bei AbracaDABra und Andis Player mit Treiber 2 startet, kann aber kein Signal mehr finden. Es wird dann im Gerätemanager unter Audio, Video und Gamecontroller ein Realtek 2832U eingefügt. Ist der bei jemandem vorhanden dann deinstallieren. Danach erscheint diese Installation wieder in den optionalen Updates, also nicht wieder installieren. Zadig oder Treiber 2 sind optimal angepasst. Das Programm ist dann nach längerer Zeit plötzlich ohne Ankündigung abgestützt. Gut möglich das es auf Welle oi oder QIRX auch Probleme macht.

Das kommt aber vom an gesteckten Stick und hat nichts mit dem Programm zu tun. Bei Andis DAB Player hatte ich ja auch schon mal das Problem. Man wundert sich nur warum es plötzlich nicht mehr richtig läuft. Von meinen 5 Sticks haben 3 Stück diese Eigenschaft.
Beiträge: 6452
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 19:11
Wohnort: Arnoldstein, Bezirk Villach Land, Österreich

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von andimik »

Beside of the recent BBC Guide implementations, have you changed anything else for SPI? Because I can no longer get SPI from Slovene R2W and R2E (other muxes like the Austrian ones do work). But I am not sure if this is a problem on broadcaster side ...
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

I have not changed anything else intentionally, but it could be that that change has some side effect.

EDIT: I have a recording of R2E from 07/2024 and it still works.
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Fr 18. Jan 2019, 23:16

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von svenfl »

Hello I have got a special problem with AbracaDABra I tried to access a soapysdr device in this case hackrf on mac os
The HackRF works well as you can see here
SoapySDRUtil --make="driver=hackrf"
## Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library ##

Make device driver=hackrf
[INFO] Opening HackRF One #0 f75461dc2c1d27c3...
hardware=HackRF One
clock source=internal
part id=a000cb3c007d475d

but AbracaDABra says
SoapySdrInput: Failed to make device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match

What is the correct string I have to provide in AbracaDABra to make the device work?
Greetings Sven
Beiträge: 211
Registriert: Di 15. Okt 2024, 12:47

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von Enrico13011978 »

Ich habe mal eine Frage an den Entwickler von Abracardabra. Eine Mindestanforderung der Hardware hier besonders an Linux besteht nicht oder? Nur damit man das Appimage starten kann eventuell auch Debian als Alternative? Ubuntu und Ableger muss man bestimmt ab 24.04 nutzen wegen der Glibc Architektur.
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

There are no specific HW requirements, application uses very low system resources, only 64-bit system is required. Application also needs Qt>=6.5. Although it is still possible to compile it with older versions, this configuration is not supported and also functionality of the application is limited with obsolete Qt version.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04 to build AppImage so GLIBC 2.35 or newer is a requirement for AppImage but you can still build the app from the source code.
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

svenfl hat geschrieben: Sa 26. Okt 2024, 19:40 Hello I have got a special problem with AbracaDABra I tried to access a soapysdr device in this case hackrf on mac os
The HackRF works well as you can see here
SoapySDRUtil --make="driver=hackrf"
## Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library ##

Make device driver=hackrf
[INFO] Opening HackRF One #0 f75461dc2c1d27c3...
hardware=HackRF One
clock source=internal
part id=a000cb3c007d475d

but AbracaDABra says
SoapySdrInput: Failed to make device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match

What is the correct string I have to provide in AbracaDABra to make the device work?
Greetings Sven
Hello Sven, I have only experience with Airspy Mini and RTL-SDR connected through SoapySDR. I would say that you need to enter:

Code: Alles auswählen

This settings works with Airspy Mini:
Snímek obrazovky 2024-10-29 v 19.05.32.png
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 211
Registriert: Di 15. Okt 2024, 12:47

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von Enrico13011978 »

KejPi hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 18:13 There are no specific HW requirements, application uses very low system resources, only 64-bit system is required. Application also needs Qt>=6.5. Although it is still possible to compile it with older versions, this configuration is not supported and also functionality of the application is limited with obsolete Qt version.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04 to build AppImage so GLIBC 2.35 or newer is a requirement for AppImage but you can still build the app from the source code.
Danke. Das mit Glibc 2.35 hat mir schon geholfen. Eventuell bekomme ich die Geschichte auf meinem alten System installiert. Hier gibt's einige Versionen wenn die Abhängkeiten passen. https://pkgs.org/download/glibc-source
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

It will be tricky I would say. I would recommend to build the app from source. If you get compatible Qt6 version then the rest should be easy.
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 211
Registriert: Di 15. Okt 2024, 12:47

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von Enrico13011978 »

KejPi hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 20:39 It will be tricky I would say. I would recommend to build the app from source. If you get compatible Qt6 version then the rest should be easy.
I'll give it a try when I have time. I have already downloaded the code in the meantime. If not, I will change my laptop next month - no problem. If successful, I can post it here.
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Fr 18. Jan 2019, 23:16

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von svenfl »

KejPi hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 19:08
svenfl hat geschrieben: Sa 26. Okt 2024, 19:40 Hello I have got a special problem with AbracaDABra I tried to access a soapysdr device in this case hackrf on mac os
The HackRF works well as you can see here
SoapySDRUtil --make="driver=hackrf"
## Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library ##

Make device driver=hackrf
[INFO] Opening HackRF One #0 f75461dc2c1d27c3...
hardware=HackRF One
clock source=internal
part id=a000cb3c007d475d

but AbracaDABra says
SoapySdrInput: Failed to make device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match

What is the correct string I have to provide in AbracaDABra to make the device work?
Greetings Sven
Hello Sven, I have only experience with Airspy Mini and RTL-SDR connected through SoapySDR. I would say that you need to enter:

Code: Alles auswählen

This settings works with Airspy Mini:
Snímek obrazovky 2024-10-29 v 19.05.32.png
I tried that but it doesn't work. I tried also to connect an RTL Stick via Soapysdr but the result is same as above
SoapySdrInput: Failed to make device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match.
It seams soapysdr doesn't work on AbracaDABra compiled for ARM processors only.
I tried to compile AbracaDABra myself for ARM64 architecture only. Perhaps that is my mistake.
Greetings Sven
Beiträge: 6452
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 19:11
Wohnort: Arnoldstein, Bezirk Villach Land, Österreich

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von andimik »

https://gist.github.com/songritk/b0ac5c ... f3f2a5a797

Ich habe den Soapy Treiber noch nie probiert, aber vielleicht hilft dir das Skript, das ich gefunden habe?
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: AbracaDABra - multiplatform DAB SDR for RTL-SDR USB sticks and other devices

Beitrag von KejPi »

svenfl hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 23:15
KejPi hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 19:08 Hello Sven, I have only experience with Airspy Mini and RTL-SDR connected through SoapySDR. I would say that you need to enter:

Code: Alles auswählen

This settings works with Airspy Mini:
Snímek obrazovky 2024-10-29 v 19.05.32.png
I tried that but it doesn't work. I tried also to connect an RTL Stick via Soapysdr but the result is same as above
SoapySdrInput: Failed to make device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match.
It seams soapysdr doesn't work on AbracaDABra compiled for ARM processors only.
I tried to compile AbracaDABra myself for ARM64 architecture only. Perhaps that is my mistake.
Greetings Sven
Have you tried with DMG downloaded from GitHub? There is only support for AirSpy and RTL-SDR in the bundle but you should be able to use other drivers by using environment variable (https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR/ ... chitecture):

Via the environment variable SOAPY_SDR_PLUGIN_PATH it is possible to specify custom alternative search paths for installed modules. (e.g. export SOAPY_SDR_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/SoapyRemote/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8)

If you compiled from source, make sure that you have enabled SoapySDR when running cmake, for example:

Code: Alles auswählen

AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938