DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Alles zum Thema DAB(+) Digitalradio.
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Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von pomnitz26 »

Mein Autoradio schaltet beim Schlagerparadies zu den Verkehrsmeldungen des Dlf durch.

Bei der MDR Schlagerwelt wird halt zu verschiedenen MDRs durchgestellt.
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Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 17:49
Wohnort: München

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von Andi_Bayern »

stefsch hat geschrieben: So 19. Jan 2020, 14:07...
aber die "AnnouncementSupport"-Angaben sind ab der Version *.157 in der "DAB-info", Einstellung "Multiplex-Konfiguration", dargestellt.
Ja, das war der schnellste Weg für die Umsetzung.
In einer späteren Version wird es dann auch mal eine Anzeige im Programm geben, wenn grade ein "Announcement" aktiv ist.

Es haben längst nicht alle Services Announcement-Support, in manchen Ensembles (z.B. 7A "Voralpen" oder 11C "München) sogar kein einziges.

Die Servivces, die Announcements können, haben meistens nur "Verkehrsfunk": Flags: 0x0002 [Road Traffic flash]

Eine Ausnahme bildet der DLF:

Code: Alles auswählen

    Audio-Service 0xD210, Label: 'Dlf', ShortLabel: 'Dlf', PTY: Information (dynamic), AnnouncementSupport: Yes, Flags: 0x000A [Road Traffic flash, Warning/Service], NumClusters: 2 [1, 2], NumComponents: 2 (Audio: 1, Data: 1)

    Audio-Service 0xD220, Label: 'Dlf Kultur', ShortLabel: 'Dlf Kult', PTY: Culture (dynamic), AnnouncementSupport: Yes, Flags: 0x0008 [Warning/Service], NumClusters: 1 [2], NumComponents: 2 (Audio: 1, Data: 1)
    Audio-Service 0xD230, Label: 'Dlf Nova', ShortLabel: 'Dlf Nova', PTY: Current Affairs (dynamic), AnnouncementSupport: Yes, Flags: 0x0008 [Warning/Service], NumClusters: 1 [2], NumComponents: 2 (Audio: 1, Data: 1)
    Audio-Service 0xD240, Label: 'DRadio DokDeb', ShortLabel: 'DDokDeb', PTY: Information (dynamic), AnnouncementSupport: Yes, Flags: 0x0008 [Warning/Service], NumClusters: 1 [2], NumComponents: 2 (Audio: 1, Data: 1)
Viele Grüße,
DAB-Playersoftware für Noxon-Stick & Co.: https://www.ukwtv.de/cms/downloads-asid ... gsinn.html
Support-Forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=55891

Standort: München-Bogenhausen
Beiträge: 446
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 18:16

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von stefsch »

Andi_Bayern hat geschrieben: So 19. Jan 2020, 14:19 Ja, das war der schnellste Weg für die Umsetzung.
Schön wäre auch, wenn die Anzeige der jeweils verlinkten DAB-MUXE, bzw ID´s und/oder der UKW-Frequenzen mal als "Update" kommen würde. Wenn man sich mal die Daten mit Telder.com ansieht, bemerkt man, dass schon die ARD-Anstalten diese Sigalisierung auf verschiedene Weise tun. So einfach wie mit UKW-RDS-AF ist es leider nicht mehr...
Es ist bestimmt komplizierter als die VF/TP/TA-Anzeige? Allein schon weil die Dokumentation dazu "schwere Kost" ist...? Es wäre aber eine tolle Möglichkeit zu überprüfen, ob die Autoradios "normkonform" PXe verlinken oder ob die Anstalten "falsch" (oder gar nicht) Signalisieren.

So kann man jedenfalls sagen, dass die von Pomnitz genannte VF/TP-Verlinkung Schlagerparadies->DLF-VF "vom Radio selber" gemacht wird (einfachste Lösung: mitlaufender UKW-Tuner?), die FIC-Signalisierung gibt das mMn nicht her!

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Registriert: Mi 31. Jul 2019, 23:56

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von j.puig »

Austria MV hat geschrieben: So 5. Jan 2020, 13:50 Danke Andi für die schnelle Antwort.

Ich denke die Filteroption wie sie über RtlTcp zur verfügung steht lässt sich nicht auf die Realtek Treiber anwenden.

Seitdem Tschechien auf 12C nebenan mit 20 KW sendet war der schwache 12D von Bayern bei mir tot.
Über RtlTcp konnte ich ihn zeitweise wiederbeleben.
Sorry for not writing in German, I translate posts using google translator.
I have the same problem as you, I receive 3 multiplex and levels are different.
I use an original RTL-SDR usb dongle,
I think drivers let use gain, because when I use it in the WELLE.IO program, gain is continously adjusted.
look at the RTL TCP server log file, when changing DAB MUX, it gets different gain value.

Code: Alles auswählen

client accepted!                                                                                                         
set gain mode 1                                                                                                          
set gain 0  
set sample rate 2048000                                                                                                  
set freq 218640000                                                                                                       
set gain 8  
set gain 13 
set gain 27 
set gain 37 
set gain 76 
set gain 86 
set freq 209936000                                                                                                       
set gain 125
set gain 143
set gain 156
set gain 166
set freq 195936000                                                                                                       
set gain 156
set gain 143
set gain 156
set gain 143
set gain 125
Beiträge: 5897
Registriert: Sa 1. Sep 2018, 19:11
Wohnort: Arnoldstein, Bezirk Villach Land, Österreich

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von andimik »

Danke, mit der neuen Version habe ich bei endlich nachweisen können, dass ein Programm auf UKW einen VF hat und auf DAB nicht.
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: Fr 21. Dez 2018, 12:56
Wohnort: Prague, CZ

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von KejPi »

Hi Andi,
I think that static/dynamic PTy are swapped in DAB info. I have checked S/D bit in FIG0/17 and it is 0 on service where dynamic PTy is reported. According to my understanding of standard 0 means static, 1 means dynamic but maybe I am wrong.
AbracaDABra: multiplatform DAB & DAB+ SDR | https://github.com/KejPi/AbracaDABra
Support forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=60938
Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 20:16
Wohnort: Windeck / RheinSieg

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von HF-Hase »

j.puig hat geschrieben: So 19. Jan 2020, 19:29 I have the same problem as you, I receive 3 multiplex and levels are different.
I use an original RTL-SDR usb dongle,
I think drivers let use gain, because when I use it in the WELLE.IO program, gain is continously adjusted.
look at the RTL TCP server log file, when changing DAB MUX, it gets different gain value.
Hello j.puig

As you use an original RTL-SDR dongle, I guess it is fitted with a R820T2 tuner chip.
This chip offers several different ways to set gain or use AGC.
One is the "set gain" command, another one is to use autogain. And there are different kinds of autogain...

I use a "Version 0.86 for QIRX" version of rtl-tcp.exe. This version switches the stick to autogain and in combination with a 1.5 MHz bandwidth works perfect with the DAB-Player. If you start QIRX to activate the rtl-tcp.exe, this autogain function is overwritten and reception gets worse. I use a small batch file:

start /MIN rtl_tcp.exe -w 1500000
start C:\...\DAB_Player.exe -rtltcp

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Registriert: Mi 31. Jul 2019, 23:56

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von j.puig »

Thanks, but I have no problems at all using rtl_tcp on either QIRX or Welle.io.
rtl_tcp server is on a linux machine, not windows, so I can't use this special rtl_tcp 0.86 you say.

The only problem is on Dab Player.
QIRX and Welle.io both have an Autogain option in configuration screens, and if I manually change gain, they correct it.
I see they work different, by looking at their logs:
set gain mode 1
set agc mode 0
set tuner gain by index ......

set gain mode 1
set gain 0
set gain .....

But the problem is that DAB Player does NOT adjust or correct gain in any way.
If I want to use DAB Player, I have to set gain manually when starting rtl_tcp.
But If I want to change frequency, sometimes I have to stop rtl_tcp server and restart again, using another gain value to work on other DAB MUXES.
f.i. rtl_tcp -a -p 1234 -g 7.7

Look, QIRX log.

Code: Alles auswählen

root@sf8008:~# rtl_tcp -a -p 1234
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Tuned to 100000000 Hz.
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr) source
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency, gain, ...).
client accepted!
set sample rate 2048000
set gain mode 1        
set agc mode 0         
set freq 195936000     
set freq correction -6 
set tuner gain by index 1
set tuner gain by index 2 
set tuner gain by index 3 
set tuner gain by index 4 
set tuner gain by index 5 
set tuner gain by index 6 
set tuner gain by index 7 
set tuner gain by index 8 
set tuner gain by index 9 
set tuner gain by index 10
set tuner gain by index 11
set tuner gain by index 12
set tuner gain by index 11
If I manually set gain to 0, autogain works fine and corrects it.

Code: Alles auswählen

set tuner gain by index 0 
set tuner gain by index 1 
set tuner gain by index 2 
set tuner gain by index 3 
set tuner gain by index 4 
set tuner gain by index 4 
set tuner gain by index 5 
set tuner gain by index 6 
set tuner gain by index 7 
set tuner gain by index 7 
set tuner gain by index 8 
set tuner gain by index 9 
set tuner gain by index 10
set tuner gain by index 11
set tuner gain by index 11

Code: Alles auswählen

root@sf8008:~# rtl_tcp -a -p 1234
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Tuned to 100000000 Hz.
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr) source
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency, gain, ...).
client accepted!
set gain mode 1
set gain 0
set sample rate 2048000
set freq 195936000 
set gain 8     
set gain 13    
set gain 27    
set gain 37    
set gain 76    
set gain 86    
set gain 125   
set gain 143   
set gain 156
set gain 166
Dab Player:

Code: Alles auswählen

root@sf8008:~# rtl_tcp -a -p 1234
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Tuned to 100000000 Hz.
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr) source
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency, gain, ...).
client accepted!
set sample rate 2048000
set freq 218640000
set freq 209936000
set freq 195936000
and that's all., no reception at any DAB MUX because gain has not been set.
Austria MV
Beiträge: 1440
Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 17:42

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von Austria MV »

Is the option -w supported for your rtl_tcp version ?
=Tuner gain set to automatic

Under Windows it works...

rtl_tcp, an I/Q spectrum server for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
Version 0.86 for QIRX, 21.12.2019

Found 2 device(s):
0: , pCa╗Ð, SN: ×
1: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 1: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Sampling at 2048000 S/s.
Tuned to 100000000 Hz.
Tuner gain set to automatic.
Bandwidth parameter 1500000 Hz resulted in 1500000 Hz.
activating Response channel on port 1235 with inactive I2C reporting
listening on Control port 1235...
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr) source
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency, gain, ...).
client accepted!
set sample rate 2048000
set freq 178352000
Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 20:16
Wohnort: Windeck / RheinSieg

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von HF-Hase »

j.puig hat geschrieben: Fr 24. Jan 2020, 11:42 QIRX:
set gain mode 1
set agc mode 0
set tuner gain by index ......

set gain mode 1
set gain 0
set gain .....
QIRX and WELLE.IO both control tuner gain from their software.
But the dongle offers another way to control gain: a direct feedback path from the RTL2832 to the R820T, controlled by a DC signal inside the dongle. In this case it is not necessary to set gain or set tuner gain by index.
To use this function the gain mode and agc mode have to be set during initialisation of the dongle. This is what rtl_tcp V.0.86 does, some older versions not.
Unfortunately I do not know all command parameters that are available with rtl_tcp. Perhaps there is one to set the gain and agc modes?
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Registriert: Mi 31. Jul 2019, 23:56

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von j.puig »

Code: Alles auswählen

root@sf8008:~# rtl_tcp -?                                                                                                
rtl_tcp: invalid option -- '?'                                                                                           
rtl_tcp, an I/Q spectrum server for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers                                                                                                           
Usage:        [-a listen address]                                                                                   
              [-p listen port (default: 1234)]                                                               
              [-f frequency to tune to [Hz]]                                                                        
              [-g gain (default: 0 for auto)]                                                                               
              [-s samplerate in Hz (default: 2048000 Hz)]                                                                
              [-b number of buffers (default: 15, set by library)]                                                       
              [-n max number of linked list buffers to keep (default: 500)]                                              
              [-d device index (default: 0)]                                                                              
              [-P ppm_error (default: 0)]                                                                               
              [-T enable bias-T on GPIO PIN 0 (works for rtl-sdr.com v3 dongles)]                                              
I've tried -g 0... :( :(
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Registriert: Di 6. Nov 2018, 20:27

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von Panisher »

j.puig hat geschrieben: Fr 24. Jan 2020, 16:42
I've tried -g 0... :( :(
You could try to compile rtl_tcp from QIRX on your own:
- get "sdr_tcpip" from https://github.com/softsyst/sdr_tcpip
- get original "rtl_tcp" from https://github.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr
- copy the rtl-sdr/src and rtl-sdr/include folders with all files from sdr_tcpip to the corresponding locations in the original rtl-sdr package
- compile and install as usual on linux

I don't have an R820T or E4000 tuner so I cannot test but rtl_tcp still works.
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mi 31. Jul 2019, 23:56

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von j.puig »

:spos: :spos:
Beiträge: 450
Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2018, 17:49
Wohnort: München

Neue Version

Beitrag von Andi_Bayern »

Es gibt eine neue Version mit folgender Neuerung:
- Anzeige der aktuellen Announcements (Durchsagen) hinzugefügt


Viele Grüße,
DAB-Playersoftware für Noxon-Stick & Co.: https://www.ukwtv.de/cms/downloads-asid ... gsinn.html
Support-Forum: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=55891

Standort: München-Bogenhausen
Beiträge: 84
Registriert: Di 13. Nov 2018, 09:48

Re: DAB Player - Software für USB Sticks mit RTL Chipset

Beitrag von ontheair »

Dieses Feature habe ich schmerzlich vermisst - vielen Dank für die neue Version!